6 Best Practices That Your Social Media Customer Service should Incorporate Into Your Business

If you are planning to add a social media platform for your new or existing business or you already have a business account on social media platform. To get more benefits from Social media service, you need to follow these practices.

1. Select the best social media platform for your business

Here are the three steps to determine which platform is perfect for your business,

Identify your audience

First, you need to identify that who is your audience. You have to find your audience based on the factors like age, location, income and more.

Identify your goals

Once you identify your audience you need to define goals for that particular audience. There are different kind of goals, some create social media page to attract an audience, some create it to develop brand recognition and to create friendly relationships with potential buyers.

Identify your Social media platform

Lastly, you have to find a social media platform. You have to find that which platform your audience is using. Also, have to consider how active your audience is on that platform. For example, There are young users on the Facebook but they are not active as much they are active on the Instagram.

2. Posting Daily on Social Media

From starting and after settling your business on social media, the biggest social media practice is to post content daily. As social media is a 24/7 arena, and your users are always waiting for new and attractive content. If you won’t post every day on your selected social media platform for Social media Optimization then you risk the chance of losing both the followers as well as the engagement.

3. Growing Followers (Organically and Paid)

Only getting followers is not enough. If those followers are not seeing your content, your all efforts become useless. In Social media service, converting your follower into the users is important to grow your brand awareness. Also when you are using different social media platforms you have to consider that every social media platform have different and unique strategies.

4. Talk to Your Customers

Social media is all about building brand awareness and attracting more customers. For that, you have to communicate with customers. If you’re using one-way communication then with it you’ll grab attention only. Don’t talk and listen to people on social media. Instead, ask them to get involved and encourage to showcase their personality. Also, motivate them to tag and acknowledge other on your posts.

5. Reply as quickly as possible on social media

A survey says that the average consumer on social media expects a response within 60 minutes. It means if you have a social media platform you have to respond to any inquiries, reviews, and complaints as quickly as possible for Social media Optimization. The effect of poor- late response time for customer service through social media may cause you in a different way,

  •  The audience tells their friends and family about the bad experience.
  •  Switch to another channel
  •  They won’t recommend your brands service or products
  •   Complain publicly via social media

    It may create a negative image of your brand in a new audience. To avoid this you can use online tools. There are some very useful tools in the market that will alert you when you or your brand get a mention on any social media platform.

6. Use the Right Tone in conversation

This is the last practices but not the least. Your tone in any conversation is important. The best way to adjust or use your tone is to understand the customer’s problem. Here are the few suggestions you can follow in any social media message:
  • If the user is using emoticons then this is a green light for you.
  • Does the customer sound like they might not be totally fluent in your language then you need to be more careful in this conversation.
  • If the customer sound frustrated then use a tone which shows understanding, apologetic and reassuring.


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