5 Populer Strategies to set Social Media Goals

For every online business social media is a very important element. Setting social media goals can help you in increasing your likelihood on social media. Without goals, Your business is only putting effort but don’t know where to stop and where to change strategies. Without goals, you cannot measure how well your social media strategies are performing. Below are the 5 popular strategies to set social media goals to grow your business,

1. Set your objective

You can’t reach somewhere if you don’t know the destination. Before starting anything be clear with these few things,

Ask yourself these question and be specific with the answers of it,

What do you want to accomplish for selected social media platforms?
What do you want tachieve?
Do you want to increase more traffic to your website?
Do you want to increase social engagement?
Do you want to increase sales leads?

Once you’re clear with these goals make sure each one of them is S.M.A.R.T. It stands for:

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Relevant
T- Timely

Specific– Be specific with what exactly do you want to achieve. If you’re specific with your description, the bigger the chances you’ll get exactly that. Question yourself about 5 “W” – Who, What, Where, Why, and Which. These answers can help you achieve greater specificity.

Measurable– It is important to measurable goals so you can stay motivated and apply changes to make it better. Measuring goals increase the focus and excitement of getting closer to achieve your goal.
Attainable– In making strategy it is important that your goals are attainable. If you set high goals then there are chances to face failure and If you set then too low then you may get success but that success was useless. Your competitors are moving far away from you.

Relevant– For any business the social media goals are the overall marketing goals. So the goals need to fit together like a puzzle pieces t create the path to your business success and they have a potential to impact objective, vision or values of your business.

Timely– Set a deadline for your goals. Time is money so use time in a right way to grow your business and to achieve its goal.
2. Locke and Latham’s 5 Principles of Goal-Setting

1.Clarity- A clear goal can be measured and left no rooms for misunderstanding. It is similar to SMART goals S-specific.
2. Challenge- setting challenging goals in a right way is a difficult task. The goals should be challenging enough to prove motivating but not so challenging that it is hard to achieve. So your goals should be challenging yet realistic, difficult yet attainable.
3. Commitment- Always take the suggestion of your employees, teammates or anyone who is related to your work. Involve them in the goal-setting process with you.
4. Feedback- Before approving or setting goal always take feedbacks on it. Feedback allows you to allows you to adjust the goal and approach in reaching it.
5. Task complexity- Making task complex is necessary when you want to start something new. But be careful in adding too much complexity, it can impact morale, productivity, and motivation.

3. OKRs

OKRs is a short form of objectives and key results. Whenever in your company you want your people to move in the right direction using OKRs. With the help of OKRs, you can clearly inform everyone in the company about what is the truly important and what is the top priority in the organization. This focus on all the efforts which is really matters in the company. With OKRs you can track goal achievement and progress of every level of the organization in the company.

Now let’s take an example of Facebook,

Objective– Increase the reach of our Facebook post
Key result– Grow the facebook page to 300000 fans (increase 5% reach on each of post)

4. BSQ

Think Big – Be clear with your ultimate goal
Act Small – Prepare milestones which help you in achieving the ultimate goal
Move Quick – Prepare a timeline which helps you in achieving each milestone

We all want to think big but don’t know how to achieve it. For example, When you’re opening a restaurant than your think big will be open a successful restaurant within one year. To achieve the ultimate goal your milestones will be finalized a location for restaurant, hire chefs-staff, develop business strategy etc. And to achieve each milestone you have to set a timeline like finalize location before August, Hire chef and staff by the end of the year, etc.

Now let’s take an example of Facebook,
Think Big – Have a 1 million Facebook fans
Act Small – Grow to 50,000
Move Quick – Grow to 50,000 by end of June


A Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal or BHAG is a bit different from above all goal setting frameworks. For social media goal setting these could be the overall goals you wish to achieve on your selected social media platform. BHAGs basically focus on “audacious 10 to 25 years goals” For example, Microsoft- Providing computer on a very desk in every home.

Now let’s take an example of Facebook,
BHAG – What type of audacious thing are you hoping to achieve


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