
Showing posts from January, 2019

E-marketing Vs Digital Marketing: What’s Better for 2019?

E-marketing and Digital marketing, most of you’re thinking that both of them are similar, most of us think e-marketing is a part of the digital marketing campaign. But it is not 100% right. Let us make a clear difference between to of them. Let's clarify what these concepts really mean. Emarketing E-marketing is like internet marketing with some interesting fun add-ons. When the internet marketing strategies of PPC and SEO, E-marketing focused more on relationship building with customers. E-marketing is not just restricted to internet search, it also covers email marketing, gaining online reviews, social media marketing and referral programs with in-depth customer relationship tracking and management. E-marketing includes all the CRM - customer relationship management systems. Digital Marketing Digital marketing is commonly used perhaps the most all-encompassing term of internet marketing and Emarketing. Digital marketing is a combination of both internet marketing a

Digital marketing in 2019: Here are the top trends of this year

Make this new year 2019 a year of improving and building off of 2018’s digital marketing trends such as the rise of voice advertising to the connected TV revolution. Here are the top trends which are expected to dominate the landscape in the new year as a digital marketing trend, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and chatbots AI or Artificial Intelligence is also a pivotal trend to follow in 2019. A survey says 51 percent of the Digital Marketing Services providers are already into this AI- Artificial Intelligence. No doubt the AT provides enhanced analytics which helps the marketer in executing the campaigns and making efficient plans. For the business AI can be used to enhance the perform keyword tagging, segmenting and tracking the currently working campaigns. With the increasing adoption of AI, it continues to improve. One of the major ways this all happens is through chatbots. The bots are reshaping the way the users and the customers interact with brands. Chatbots are